Free, Self-Service “Longevity Clinic”

Longevity clinics are only for the top 1%,
so I'm building a free one for everyone.
Zsolt Szabo
Zsolt Szabo
Software Engineer, Biohacker, and Consultant for Longevity Clinics

Tools and Resources

Calculators and interpreters to help you optimize your health
Iron Status Interpreter
Calculates Body Iron Stores and provides a personalized intervention plan.
coming soon
Grip Strength Interpreter
Discover your grip strength percentile, evaluate its impact on mortality, and estimate the risk of future muscle weakness.
coming soon
Glucose Metabolism Interpreter
Provides a comprehensive metabolic assessment of blood glucose control using a static multi-biomarker approach.
coming soon
Blood Pressure Interpreter
Guided protocols for measuring blood pressure in various positions and comprehensive analysis of results.
coming later
ASCVD Risk Estimator
Estimates the risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease by analyzing key risk factors.
coming later
OGGT Interpreter
Guided protocol for interpreting dynamic blood glucose tests using a CGM at home, or through glucose and insulin measurements in a lab.
Have an idea for a new tool? .

Please send me studies and feedback.

Any feedback is welcome at .
I am particularly interested in research on biomarkers linked to all-cause mortality or optimal reference ranges.